Leona P. (Founder)
Merging her career in hospitality and her passion as a candle maker with her upbringing as an AAPI woman, JIĀ (Chinese for home/family) creates a nostalgic collection of home fragrances; candles that tell a story with each burn that represents a link to AAPI roots, not just her own. Through her work, she hopes to fill the gap of AAPI representation missing from the fragrance industry.
Favorite Candle Scent: Night Market
Favorite Workshop Scent: #18


Makinna M. (Production)
Makinna is our Production Assistant at JIA Home Co. She started working at JIA in August of 2023 and has worked as both a production assistant and workshop instructor. She manages candle production and wholesale order management. In her downtime, you can find her at the Muay Thai gym or baking at home with her two cats, Aston and Midnight. 
Favorite Candle Scent: Almond Boba
Favorite Workshop Scent: #5

Julian K. (Workshop Instructor)
An avid reader, mostly fiction and philosophy. he loves to cook and since good smells are a part of his life, working at JIĀ has been an aligning transition. He currently works with children and is hoping to attend law school in the fall.
Favorite Candle Scent: Karaoke
Favorite Workshop Scent: #1